About once a day Aaron or I will say, "hey, did you see what's happening in the Garden Room....?" So this is the time of year stuff should be dying, and in fact some of it is, but some of our plants aren't ready to go to sleep yet! It's really fun to see the things that we received as wedding gifts still blooming. We are hopful that almost all of them will come back in the spring and we get to watch them grow even more. Here are some pictures we took yesterday:
Fuchsia is quite happy:
Fuchsia from the groom's dinner (there are others like it):
This is more like what we expect in fall. Here's our Wedding Tree. It's leaves were BRIGHT red this fall but we didn't get out there in time with the camera.
This dahlia doesn't know it's time to go to sleep. The Dahlia Barn experts told us to cut down the dahlia's once they start to die. I explained that they are still blooming. Puzzeled, the Barn people told us to just cut them down anyway, wait for them to go dormant and then dig up the tubers and save them until next year. We've had some trouble. First, we couldn't even cut this one because it was still way too beautiful.
We did manage to cut down all the rest and we put them in a dark dry spot, but look what this one did....it started to sprout again!
This is what it's supposed to look like. We'll dig it up next week like they told us. Speaking of the Dahlia Barn, we're going to go there next weekend. They said they have "dried dahlia wreaths". We've gotta see that!
Finally, a plant that is SUPPOSED to bloom in fall and winder, the Helabore (spelling?). This was in the front for a year or two and barely did anything. We moved it to the back and this is the first of about 8 blooms. Aaron got excited and went and bought two more with our Sky gift certificates. It's going to be very cool in a couple of years!