Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Oh Ya You Becha!

My trip to Minn-e-SO-ta, was a big success. I had a great time. I even got a big dose of winter. Enough to last me more than a few years. Granted it was "warm" by MN standards (high 20's) but it snowed almost non-stop during my visit. Not really my idea of a good time!

BUT, what WAS a good time was:

Spending time with dad

Got to know my 3 year old great-niece Ryan. They grow 'em pretty darned cute up north!

Watch the first half of the super bowl with Grandma Elsie. We were both rooting for, as grandma called it, The White Helmets.

Spent most of a day with my pal Heidi. We had a grand time doing not much more than chatting and trying on cloths. We bought a few things, but my purchases were off-set by the fact that I lost my fabulous carhart insulated jacket in the airport. :( Guess I can't visit MN until spring.

Had brunch with mom, and my cousins.

And had one of Mary's amazing veggie omelets. No one make an omelet that is as good.

Came back last night (after 2 coatings of de-icer and 75-minutes waiting on the run-way) to my Honey. We immediately went out for Thai food and a review of all the work he did while I was gone. Clearly, I'm a distraction. Production seemed to have skyrocketed during my leave. Duly noted.

Today was back to work and all was well!

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